+41 22 776 01 02 dpluscrans@directionplus.ch

Laurence Waeber

Consultante & Project Manager

Uniqueness is your talent !

Passionate about the impact that the digital revolution has had on our way of working and collaborating and fascinated by the development potential of each individual, I intervene with our clients in a spirit of partnership – innovative, agile and creating value – in order to encourage commitment, productivity, self-fulfillment, inclusiveness, creativity and meaning at work.

With almost 15 years of experience in HR at the heart of international and multicultural business environments, in the private and public sectors, and cooperating with international organizations, I have led and collaborated on several large transformation projects, modeling the company culture and focusing on Leadership development.

  • Développement du leadership
  • Coaching individuel/d’équipe
  • Talent management
  • Innovation management
  • Culture et développement organisationnels
  • HR stratégique et opérationnel
  • Coach professionnelle certifiée ICF (ACC)
  • Praticienne FIRO®
  • Coach certifiée LIFO®
  • Radical collaboration®
  • Master en Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations