+41 22 776 01 02 dpluscrans@directionplus.ch



Je suis habité par la conviction profonde qu’en chacun d’entre nous existe un «champion» et que l’art du management consiste à le mettre en lumière.

A recognized expert in Talent Management, accompanying executives in the strategic and operational functions of their positions, since the beginning of my professional career I have been inspired by the “human” side of business. Passionate about meeting people and discovering what makes them tick, I particularly appreciate investing my energies and experience in serving businesses and organizations by developing integrated and innovative concepts that offer real added value. This perspective keeps me open to new horizons and different cultures. In 2012, I took over the leadership of Direction Plus and I have the pleasure of working with a team that is both highly committed and competent.

I also have other passions whose common denominator is the number “2”. First, for two wheels: I am a biker. I have also covered tens of thousands of kilometers riding my bicycle and running on my own two feet! And it is with my two hands that I am fulfilling my childhood dream of learning to play the electric guitar.

  • Elaboration et pratique d’assessments individuels et de groupe
  • Création et animation de Development Centers
  • Audit de climat et de culture d’entreprise
  • Développement de compétences managériales
  • Cohésion d’équipe
  • Conseil en développement organisationnel
  • Coach certifié LIFO®
  • Formation commerciale et bancaire
  • Conduite de projets EPFZ
  • Directeur de Formation
  • Conduite du leadership et de la créativité UNIL